My name is Amanda Watson, and I am the Clinic Nursing Supervisor at both the Calhoun and Cleburne County Health Departments. I have worked in Public Health for 8 years now, starting my career as a Staff Nurse. I know its cliché, but I love helping people which is why I got into Nursing in the first place. With Public Health I am now serving my surrounding community for the underserved and uninsured population, who may not have received care if it had not been for the services we provided at little to no cost to the patient. I graduated with an associate’s degree in nursing from Gadsden State in 2011 and have 13 years of Nursing experience in multiple fields of Nursing from med surg, oncology, postpartum, pediatrics, and now Public Health where I hope to continue and finish my Nursing career. Public Health is a true calling for those with a servant’s heart. (